
Let’s hear from our members!!

“Born in a true " Bonedi Para " of North Kolkata and eventually married to a "Bonedi Family" who celebrates one of the oldest puja of the city, Durga Puja was far beyond a festival...it is an emotion to me.

Just when i was autotuning with the probasi pujas of Bangalore post my  marital status change , soon with turn of events i found myself among the first few families in Oslo, Norway.... celebrating Durga Puja 6 years back.
This puja is an ernest effort of like minded people to keep bengal legacy and culture alive. Though a part in me miss the raaz mataaz of my " Para" & "Barir " pujo, but OPB 's puja has given each one of us a piece of home away from our home.”

Avinanda Moitra

Self Employed

“First there was Covid and now there’s a never-ending war! How much more can humanity take? This year, the Goddess is arriving on an elephant and leaving on a boat, and hence, we would like to celebrate our puja to convey the same message of peace and prosperity considering all the evil lurking around us, waiting for an opportunity to pounce!”

Dibakar Dharchoudhury

IT Professional

“The humble effort and sincere dedication of each and every member of OPB reflects and shines through in each event we celebrate, giving it that personal and genuine touch which makes us feel like a 'home away from home'.”

Anisha Ghosh

IT Professional

“This is my 4th puja in oslo.  In 2019, I left kolkata just before Puja, naturally I was very upset.  But that went way very shortly when I was involved in this Puja .. whether it is pandal decoration or cooking, we all do it together here like a family. Puja in Oslo is like a get together with my extended family.”

Subhra Pramanik

IT Professional